“With languages, you are at home anywhere.”
Edmund Arthur Lowndes De Waal, OBE
Contemporary English artist, master potter and author
NEW in 2023: Change the website coloring and font using the person logo! Tap the little blue person on the bottom right side of your screen, then test the settings to set your favorite design.
あたらしい (令和5年):人物ロゴを使って、ウェブサイトのカラーリングやフォントを変更することができます!画面右下の小さな青い人をタップして、設定を試し、お気に入りのデザインを設定してください。

2024 Spring Semester LLSR Schedule:
Visit the LLSR for:
English Conversations
Language Questions
Games & Practice
Homework Help
Class Activities
Mission statement
The LLSR helps students learn foreign languages effectively through a variety of services, such as English writing consultation, English conversation practice, and general consultation about effective foreign language learning. Language specialists guide students to generate and organize ideas, share stories, participate in fun activities, and give advice about learning foreign languages.
Since we believe it is students themselves who should be responsible for their own learning, the LLSR staff do not simply proofread texts. We will, however, sit down and talk over grammar and structure. Please come see us in the Media Center or schedule an LLSR appointment for a Zoom meeting. Appointments are recommended for visiting the LLSR in person, but drop-ins are welcome.*
*Note: Appointments are required for online LLSR activities.
view from The LLSR