February 14th is Valentine’s Day, so this month, the LLSR was decorated in pink and red hearts!

How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day? In America, it is a day for couples to show their love through “grand gestures” – big gifts or exciting actions. For example, women often receive large bouquets of flowers, boxes of chocolate or candy, a card with words of love, and/or jewelry. Couples will often go to a fancy restaurant for dinner. Some people even choose to propose on Valentine’s Day, giving their partner a ring.

A Valentine’s proposal dinner

It is traditionally women who receive things for Valentine’s Day in America, but some traditional women wear their partner’s favorite outfit, cook their partner’s favorite meal from scratch, or set aside more time to spend with their partners. It is common for couples with children to schedule a babysitter for Valentine’s Day so that they can go out for the evening. Restaurants will often have lit candles on tables and serve chocolate desserts on Valentine’s Day.

Candlelit dinner with fancy napkins and subtle décor

Valentine’s Day is so popular in the USA that there is a movie about it, with many famous actors:

Valentine’s Day (2010)

Because Valentine’s Day is so focused on couples, people who are not in romantic relationships have created their own event: “Singles Awareness Day“. (Some joke that the festivities for Valentine’s Day makes them “very aware” that they are single.) People celebrating Singles Awareness Day will often have a social activity with friends or an evening at home with their favorite media, pets, and take-out food.

People who have recently separated from their partner have a new option, thanks to the El Paso zoo:

Quit Bugging Me! Poster for the El Paso Zoo event. On Valentine's Day, people can name a cockroach after their ex-partner and watch the cockroach get eaten by zoo animals.
These cockroaches will be fed to zoo animals on live camera.

However you celebrate Valentine’s Day, may these ideas give you new inspiration for next year!