Note: See the other resource pages for activities by category.

Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.
– Aristotle
Inspiration & Motivation:
~ Get Inspired: Quotes about Teaching
~ 25 Inspirational Quotes for Teachers (Quotes and explanations)
~ 55 of Our All-Time Favorite Teacher Quotes (Encouragement Memes)
~ 60 Inspiring Teacher Quotes to Motivate Educators
Online Teaching Tools:
- Baamboozle
- Blooket
- Kahoot!
- Socrative
- Vocabee
- Quizizz
- Quizlet and Quizlet Live
- Wordwall
- Memrise
- Padlet
- Prezi
- Bingo Card Generator
- Gimkit
- Xreading (paid subscription for online ER LMS)
Websites with some free worksheets or activities:
- Wordwall
- Quizlet
- English Unite
- Enchanted Learning
- Indiana University Language Learning Task Bank (What is Task-Based Language Teaching?)
- Pragtivities (pragmatics lesson plans for teachers)
- Scholastic (use 30-day trial)
- ISL Collective
- Live Worksheets
- EnglishWSheets
- Template Lab (good for example essays, realia, project-based-learning templates, and game/puzzle templates)
- Teachers Pay Teachers
- Australians Together – Curriculum resources about Aboriginal Australians
- EdSITEment – U.S. Culture and History
- American English – U.S. Department of State open-source resources
- Indigenous peoples and communities in Canada – Learning resources for teachers and students
- **How to make an online Guess Who? game
Open Education Resources (Open-Source Textbooks):
- Elon University’s List of Open Education Resource Websites
Information about standardized English exams:
Professional Organization Websites:
- TESOL International Association
- TESOL Japan
- TESOL Resource Center (member-created lesson plans, activities, assessment)
- British Council
- International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
- Japan Association for Language Teachers
- English Teachers Association of Japan
- Japan Association of College English Teachers
- National Association for the Teaching of English (based in UK)
- Modern Languages Association (based in USA)
Online Research Journals:
- JALT Publications (paid/members only)
- TESOL Quarterly (limited free access)
- ITESLJ (free access – last edition in 2010)
- ELT Journal (limited free access)
- The Modern Language Journal (limited free access)
- Foreign Language Annals (limited free access)
- Fortell (free access)
- See “Additional Journal Titles” on WVU TESOL and Second Language Education research resources
Recommended Reading / Continuing Education:
- Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (Celce-Murcia & Brinton, 2013)
- Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. 3rd edition. (Larsen-Freeman & Anderson, 2011)
- Teaching Language in Context: Proficiency – Oriented Instruction. 3rd edition. (Alice. C. Omaggio-Hadley, 2001)
- Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom (hooks, 1994)
- A Guide to Composition Pedagogies. 2nd edition. (Ed. Gary Tate et al., 2013)
- Writing the Visual: A Practical Guide for Teachers of Composition and Communication (Ed. Carol David & Anne R. Richards, 2008)
- Teaching Pronunciation: A Course Book and Reference Guide (Celce-Murcia, Brinton & Goodwin, 2010)
- The Grammar Book (Freeman & Celce-Murcia, 2015)
- Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course (Volume 1) (Gass, Behney, & Plonsky, 2013)
- Second Language Acquisition (Slabakova, 2016)
- An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. 6th edition. (Holmes & Wilson, 2022)
- Steps to Success: Crossing the Bridge Between Literacy Research and Practice (Munger, 2016)
Links by special request: Misconceptions about phonics, How to teach phonics (5 steps), How to teach phonics (6 steps), What is phonics?, How can I support my child with phonics?
For more learning resources, please check the other language topic pages.
If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.
– John Dewey